
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Busy times in the life of Kelli-Anne!

But, hopefully, the worst is over for now! I had a crazy week last week, driving back and forth to my hometown every night for rehearsals. But as of Saturday night, Junior Miss is over for me.. Bittersweet because it was hard to see that time end, but I'll actually have free time now! My race results were posted (way too late and quite disorganized and not detailed). I, personally, as a little disappointed in the lack of formality in this race. The course was only 2.8 miles, the t-shirts were scarce, and even after paying the $30 registration fee, the t-shirts were $15 each. It took them over a week to post results, and there were no details included. Some times didn't even have names! Anyway, my time was 27:40, which is nothing out of the ordinary for 2.8 miles for me. It was pretty special when I was still under the impression that the race course was actually a 5k :-/

Oh well, it was a fun first race of the year, and I'm currently trying to get myself together for a VERY hilly 10k on March 5th. We'll see how that goes down. Best wishes!

ps: I now have a new 4th cousin, once remove, a baby girl added to her three sisters and one brother :) yay


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